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Sign in with Google600 000+ Question answers and 9000+ Essays written last year
Arbitio was invaluable to my LNAT preparation. The Tests and Solutions are amazingly written and set me to actually practise the skills I needed to get my score. I am so glad I came across it. I feel like if I did not use it I would not have ended up getting an offer.
ImadOffer from Oxford University, LNAT Score: 30
I have been using Arbitio with my students for over a year now and I can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s such a great resource: the curriculum is outstanding as it challenges the students to develop the required critical skills with extensive opportunities to practise under exam conditions. I believe it directly contributed to great offers for Law at top Russell Group universities including Oxford last year, with the students achieving outstanding results on the LNAT.
Laura MeeHead of Careers & Higher Education @ Haberdashers’ Aske School for Girls
The Tests are most reflective of the LNAT. I owe my score to the fact that I was able to practise so many questions, of so many different types, and with such profuse explanations and analyses. In the exam, I coped well under the time pressure and worked out each answer with a method in mind. I highly recommend using Arbitio to all those interested in obtaining a great score on the LNAT and writing an excellent Essay.
BogdanOffer from UCL and King’s College London, LNAT Score: 32
Arbitio has been fantastic - I can say for sure it has made me more confident in reading complicated and unfamiliar texts. The model Essays are excellent, and I have practised essay writing on a wide range of topics under exact exam conditions. The feedback on my essay was extensive, detailed and super helpful for improvement. I have already recommended the course to several people and I am sure they will find it as well-crafted and useful as I did.
RitaOffer from UCL
Insofar as the Tests on Arbitio being harder, I thought that that was very useful. As a student looking for books to prepare, most of the resources available are too easy, and pretty terrible preparation honestly. I think that the Arbitio’s Mock Tests are of a higher quality than most other ones I've tried, and in that sense incomparably better and on par with past papers.
Liang YuanSevenoaks School
Getting the subscription has been such a good decision as the Tests, Essays and Answers are of exceptionally good quality. The site is also very well done so thank you for that.
SophiaOffer from Durham, LNAT Score: 28
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